I have always enjoyed the month of October, as is when the first of the Autumn colours really start to put on a display. I find Autumn to be quite a magical season - the colours, the misty mornings, the damp air, and when start to smell wood smoke coming from nearby chimneys.
I made the most of any nice days at weekends, to enjoy going walking in the countryside. I also caught the last of the daylight after work some evenings, to watch the Starlings starting to do their seasonal murmurations. Only small numbers at this point, but always a joy to watch and anticipating the numbers increasing month by month.
More types of fungi become visible throughout the month, and in particular, I love to look for the tiny Purple Deceivers, which are often found in New Forest woodlands. So vibrant and colourful, especially amongst the autumn leaves on the woodland floor.
October started to see some more dramatic sunsets. And on Halloween I headed to Horton Tower to do a long walk and then go to Knowlton Church for sunset. Sadly, no impressive sunset, but instead got a lovely horizon view of the full moon rising.