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The first day of January saw a spectacular Hoar Frost that had formed over night, covering all ground, plants, trees and roof tops, transforming the entire landscape into a magical, winter wonderland. Was so thick, it could have been mistaken for a sprinkling of snow. I got up early on the 1st, to welcome the start of a new year and headed out early in the morning, to a favourite local spot, up on a hill, overlooking the Abbey and my town. And it was well worth it, to get a fantastic view point across the fairytale scene ....was almost as though my local area had been enchanted by a magical spell overnight (but then I find my local surroundings enchanting the whole time, throughout all the seasons). 


The local Starling murmurations were still going strong, and attracting many locals, coming out to embrace a bit of nature's wonders through Lockdown. I do feel privileged to have this amazing spectacle right close by to where I live.


As we went a little further into the month, we saw a bit of snow - not loads, but enough to venture out and capture a few wintery scenes on camera. One of the snowy mornings, I was lucky to come across a congregation of my local Hares, all gathering together and enjoying a playful time, chasing one anther, and leaping around. Even a little boxing going on. The Hares tend to start breeding from as early as January these days, and the boxing is a sure sign, they are ready (or the males are at least - with the females boxing off the males regularly).


Hoar Frost - photo published in the Daily Express Newspaper

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