Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at my website. I hope that you enjoy the photos.
A little about myself
Photography is something which makes me very happy, being out and about, surrounded by nature and wildlife, embracing what each outing may bring and capturing those special moments. And it is a bonus, if by sharing those images, it also brings joy to others and makes people smile.
Life so far...
I am originally form East Anglia, which is where I grew up, before I relocated to Hampshire to attend university a couple of decades ago. I enjoyed being close to the New Forest (where my parents used to bring me on holidays when I was little) and decided to remain in the the area, once finished university. I then spent many years living in the city with lodgers, but have recently relocated to the beautiful and tranquil Test Valley.
I am now in my forties, and have never been fortunate enough to meet the right partner (as yet) and have the children which I longed for. Life has also thrown many hurdles, having lost my one month old sister when I was young, and then sadly lost my mum to cancer in August 2017. The past year has been the toughest I have ever had to face, especially as I was my mums only remaining family to follow everything up. I spent months struggling with emotions, whilst also renovating mums house, which is where I have recently relocated to. I am now lucky to live in a pretty and friendly market town in Hampshire - which was mum's last gift to me and she always knew I would be much happier living away from the congested, built-up city (as I have always been a country girl at heart, having grown up in villages). It is just a shame it was not due to happier circumstances, being able to move ...but will relish each day now and feel very grateful.
The biggest advantage is that I am now surrounded by more amazing nature, living closer to scenic countryside and a local nature reserve just a few minutes walk away. I wake up each morning to the sound of Sparrows chirping and cackling Jackdaws and Rooks, and in winter will have the Geese travelling to and from the local lake. I have always loved animals and wildlife, having grown up with 6 cats and 2 dogs, along with a goat, chickens, ducks and various other creatures which needed a home ...and regularly rescued ducklings from the village pond. Amusingly, I have been called 'Miss Doolittle' or the 'Hare Whisperer' on several occasions, which makes me smile.
I am not religious, but am a very spiritual person, in tune with nature, and have always had a natural bond with some animals. It always makes me very happy when I come across wildlife on my outings - it also helps to venture out for sunrise and at the end of the day, to increase any chances of spotting creatures of the wilderness. I am often found out in the countryside, with my flask of coffee and packed breakfast, watching the sun rise and waiting for the Hares to show. When the Hares do show, it is that moment when I truly feel my happiest and most content with life - just myself and the Hares, treasuring that magical moment, whilst also enjoying the tranquility and being surrounded by nature.
A passion for photography developed and has been my perfect therapy...
I have found myself struggling with a lot of stress, depression and anxiety at times in my life, and when I discovered that I enjoyed taking photos, I also started to realise just how it had an effect and really helped to lift my spirits and help me to feel my true self. It has been the perfect therapy, especially to help get me through the past difficult year, since I lost my mum - helping to keep my mind focused, whilst also getting myself out and making the most of something I really enjoy.
I purchased a bridge camera around 5 years ago. I was mainly attracted to wildlife and landscapes, and after a couple of years I decided it would be great to obtain better quality photos and also have more zoom for wildlife. I decided to upgrade my bridge camera to a Nikon D7200 and a Sigma 600mm lens. It was a great move as since then, my photography really started to develop, and people started suggesting that I tried pursuing more with photography - and it has been my images of Hares which seem to have really captured peoples hearts (which is lovely, as Hares are a big favourite of mine and what I enjoy photographing the most).
And a new era commences...
I made a big decision to take severance from my last job, as I had been off through bereavement for a very long time, and decided it was the right time for a new start in life. So I took a year out to renovate the house and also recuperate. I then decided to also utilise some time to channel some energy into into pursuing more with photography, and put this website together. I am now back in work, but term-time only, which although means a big salary drop, will now allow me more time to follow my passion of photography (which I hope in time, will help boost my existing income a little).
I hope to bring more smiles to peoples faces, by also posting regular photos on my social media and having various images available to purchase (as well as greeting cards, calendars etc in due course). I will keep you all updated.
Please feel free to join my Facebook page, where daily images are posted:
And if interested in purchasing images, please checkout my online Etsy Shop:
I would also be interested, should anyone like photos taken of their pets, animals, farms, or rural events/horse shows (but I am currently not looking at doing people photography, e.g person portraits, weddings etc).
My details can be obtained on the 'CONTACT' page.
Many thanks,