August proved to be a hot month, and warm nights meant that going out for sunrise, was not only good for wildlife, but also to relish and enjoy the cooler air. However, with not getting dark until late and then light very early, made it very hard to get up. But once out, it always feels like the right decision. I also escaped to the coast several times, to cool off in the sea breeze and have a paddle in the sea.
Whilst on one of my trips to the sea, a friend and I incorporated a visit to a Sunflower farm, which made for something a little different. We timed it so were there for the latter part of the day, and during sunset. It made for some lovely photos, and were able to pick our own half a dozen flowers to take home, as part of the entrance fee. I have kept some of the seeds from the flowers to plant in my garden for next year, and left the rest of the flowers, so that the birds could help themselves.
Another of my coastal trips was to visit a Grey Seal that had taken up temporary residence on one of the south beaches. They often pop ashore to rest during breeding season. I was at the beach all day with no sign of the male Seal, so enjoyed exploring the coastline and doing a bit of beachcombing along the way (a therapeutic hobby). Then was just starting to head back to the car, when he turned up early evening, swimming about 10 meters off the shoreline. Was delighted to get sight of him and was amazed just how big he was. Quite a character.
It was also another month of encounters with Deer, as well as seeing a few of my regular Hares. What makes me smile, is that I am often waiting patiently for the Hares to show, and as waited a while, will look at my phone quickly, or look at the last few pics on my camera ....and a Hare or two will sneak past me - as though they knew I was distracted and tiptoe past - but the minute I look up, they dash off. I do believe that Hares are quite intelligent creatures, having watched them over the last half a dozen years. If my field craft works well, I do fool them on occasions (either that, or some may sense that I do not pose a risk to them) ...but I often stop breathing the moment a Hares looks up. And it can sometimes feel like I am playing musical statues with them, edging step by step, just a little closer, and freeze each time I may have been spotted. I am sure that any other wildlife photographer will be able to relate to this.